Industry: HR

Showing 1 - 6 (of 19 items)
Man working at laptop

Faire ses premiers pas aux États-Unis : Faire appel à des Indépendants’

Posted: octobre 1, 2020

Dans une série d’articles nous revoyons six questions clés en matière de fiscalité et de ressources humaines à prendre en compte avant de vous lancer sur le terrain. Deuxième article : Faire appel à des indépendants.

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White House Takes Executive Action on Unemployment Insurance, Payroll Taxes

Posted: août 11, 2020

On August 8, 2020, the president signed several executive memoranda and an order addressing the continued economic havoc of the COVID-19 pandemic, two of which are of direct interest to employers.

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state capitol building

States Enact Laws Limiting COVID-19 Liability

Posted: juillet 1, 2020

As infection rates continue to increase nationally, lawmakers in several U.S. states have adopted laws that limit liability for employers and others from claims relating to COVID-19 exposure.

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New Presidential Proclamation and Further Visa Restrictions

Posted: juin 25, 2020

On June 22nd, President Trump issued a Presidential Proclamation Suspending Entry of Aliens Who Present a Risk to the U.S. Labor Market.

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The Next Normal: A Littler Insight on Returning to Work – Handling Concerns about Hesitant or “High-Risk” Employees

Posted: mai 1, 2020

Reintroducing employees back into the workplace will require employers to juggle multiple logistical, emotional, and legal concerns. Because COVID-19 will impact employment for the foreseeable future, it is anticipated many employees will be reluctant to return, even after states have approved reopening plans.

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The Next Normal: A Littler Insight on Returning to Work – Some Lessons from Asia

Posted: avril 28, 2020

Asia provides an opportunity for western-based employers to anticipate where they might be in six weeks to two months and what they might anticipate as they prepare to manage their employees’ to return to the workplace.

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Showing 1 - 6 (of 19 items)
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