On Monday, June 22nd, President Trump issued a new Presidential Proclamation Suspending Entry of Aliens Who Present a Risk to the U.S. Labor Market Following the Coronavirus Outbreak. This is an extension and expansion of the April 22nd Proclamat ion in which the President restricted the issuance of and entry on immigrant visas. The new Proclamation expands the restrictions to certain non-immigrant categories.
In our IMS Magazine we have published a summary of the most important restrictions, regulations and exceptions (with thanks to our friends at Butzel Long) of the Presidential Proclamation.
In addition to that summary, we also published an interview with Michael Turansick (Fragomen, FACC Chicago) conducted by Doug Seville of DSML Executive Search. Turansick and Seville talk about the impact of visa restrictions on international employee transfers.
It is important to know that the Secretary of Homeland Security can recommend any modifications to this Proclamation. We are closely monitoring further guidelines and updates and will keep you posted on important news and updates.