Celebrating Myriam Joerger: A Journey of Dedication with IMS

Myriam Joerger’s remarkable tenure at IMS spans two decades. In a recent interview, she shares insights into her profound connection with IMS, and the trajectory of her career. Join us as we explore the essence of Myriam’s enduring dedication to IMS. 

A Memorable Beginning at IMS  

« My first day at IMS holds a special place in my memory, » reminisces Myriam. « When we moved to Chicago for my husband Mathieu’s job, I sought part-time employment in accounting. Antoine offered me a position in May 2003, temporarily replacing a colleague on maternity leave. I distinctly recall accompanying Antoine on a business trip to Detroit, where I performed my first bank reconciliation. It was during that trip that I got to know my new boss, who would later become a dear friend to our family. » 

Evolving Roles and Continuous Growth 

Myriam’s journey within IMS is a unique one, marked by continuous growth and adaptation. « I never really had a defined job at IMS, » she explains. « When I started, we had only a few clients who needed assistance with their bookkeeping. As the company expanded and our client portfolio grew, my responsibilities evolved accordingly. I initially assisted Antoine with closings, gradually took on additional tasks such as bookkeeping and payroll, and eventually became a client manager. With guidance from Antoine, I grew alongside the company and many of our clients. Along the way, I have had the pleasure of mentoring numerous new employees who joined our team. » 

IMS: More than a Workplace  

Today, Myriam’s role primarily revolves around supervising and managing a dedicated clientele. « Some of these clients have been with me for a very long time, » she shares. « My daily goal is to ensure all the work is completed and that our clients are satisfied. » 

More than a workplace, IMS and Antoine have become integral parts of Myriam’s life. « Except for a one-year break I took in 2016 when my second child, Charlie, was born, I have been with IMS ever since, » she affirms. 

There is one story that exemplifies how deeply intertwined Myriam’s life has become with IMS. « Everyone who knows me is aware of my fondness for conversations, especially with fellow French expatriates in the US, » Myriam explains. « On one occasion, while riding the CTA Blue Line train back from a client meeting, I noticed a person with a French flag on their luggage. I strike up a conversation and discover that they are attending a trade show at McCormick Place and in need of an accountant. Without hesitation, I share information about IMS, driven purely by a desire to be helpful. Shortly after, they became one of our clients! » 

A Lifelong Commitment  

Reflecting on the changes at IMS over the years, Myriam emphasizes the company’s remarkable growth. « When we started in 2003, there were only three of us, » she notes. « Now, I cannot even count the number of people on the IMS team. It must be thirty or more, spread across the US and the world. »  

« For me, IMS is more than just a job; it is an important part of my life, » Myriam concludes. « I cannot envision working anywhere else. » 

The IMS team extends their heartfelt congratulations to Myriam for her exceptional contributions throughout the years.


By Leentje De Leeuw

Industry: Non classifié(e)
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